Class DelayedVizProp

  • public class DelayedVizProp
    extends Object
    DelayedVizProp, as suggested in the Cytoscape cookbook.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DelayedVizProp

        public DelayedVizProp​(org.cytoscape.model.CyIdentifiable netObj,
                              org.cytoscape.view.model.VisualProperty<?> prop,
                              Object value,
                              boolean isLocked)
        Specify the desired visual property value for a node or edge.
        netObj - A CyNode or CyEdge
        prop - The visual property whose value you want to assign
        value - The visual property value you want to assign
        isLocked - true if you want the value to be set as a bypass value, false if you want the value to persist until a visual style is applied to the network view
    • Method Detail

      • applyAll

        public static void applyAll​(org.cytoscape.view.model.CyNetworkView netView,
                                    Iterable<DelayedVizProp> delayedProps)
        Assign the visual properties stored in delayedProps to the given CyNetworkView.
        netView - The CyNetworkView that contains the nodes and edges for which you want to assign the visual properties
        delayedProps - A series of DelayedVizProps that specifies the visual property values of nodes and edges
      • testAll

        public static void testAll​(org.cytoscape.view.model.CyNetworkView netView,
                                   Iterable<DelayedVizProp> delayedProps)
        Test whether the DelayedVizProps got properly applied. This should only be called after applyAll
        netView - - The CyNetworkView the DelayedVizProp got assigned to.
        delayedProps - - The DelayedVizProp iterable which needs to be checked.