Interface ColorScale

    • Method Detail

      • getColor

        Color getColor​(double value)
        get a color
        value - a value between 0 and 1.
        the appropriate color on the scale.
      • getColorScaleProperties

        idare.imagenode.internal.ColorManagement.ColorScales.ColorScaleProperties getColorScaleProperties()
        Get the Properties of this ColorScale. The properties show the fractions and associated colors used.
        The ColorScaleProperties of this ColorScale
      • setColorScaleProperties

        void setColorScaleProperties​(idare.imagenode.internal.ColorManagement.ColorScales.ColorScaleProperties props)
        Set the ColorScaleProperties used by this ColorScale This can e.g. adapt a certain color to a specific point in the scale (e.g. for 0 balancing) but can also be used to stretch specific parts of the ColorScale.
        props - The ColorScaleProperties to be used.
      • setColorCount

        void setColorCount​(int count)
        Set the number of colors used by this scale. This function does not need to have an effect and can potentially be simply ignored, but it will be called by discreet color maps and potentially other methods.
        count - the number of Colors to use.
      • movePointOnScale

        void movePointOnScale​(float origval,
                              float targetval)
        Move a point in the 0-1 scale to the target value. If Either origval or targetval are outside the 0-1 range, nothing will happen. THis should only influence the visual presentation.
        origval - A value in the range of [0.0,1.0]. that should be moved
        targetval - The value the origval shall be moved to in the range of [0.0,1.0].