Class ArrayNodeData

    • Constructor Detail

      • ArrayNodeData

        public ArrayNodeData​(DataSet origin)
        Basic constructor using the dataset this is originating from
        origin - The DataSet this ArrayNodeData belongs to,
    • Method Detail

      • getData

        public NodeValue getData​(int position)
        Since ArrayDataSets have ordered rows of data, this function can be used to get the position-th item in this data.
        position - the position of the NodeValue requested.
        the NodeValue stored at the requested position
      • getValueCount

        public int getValueCount()
        Return the number of Elements for one set of Data e.g. number of items (including empty items) in an ArrayDataSet
        the number of values stored in this ArrayNodeData
      • isValueSet

        public boolean isValueSet​(int pos)
        Check whether the element at a specific position is set.
        pos - the position to check
        true, if the item is not null
      • isempty

        public boolean isempty()
        Description copied from class: NodeData
        Check whether this Data is empty (i.e. has only null values)
        Specified by:
        isempty in class NodeData
        true, if it is empty, or fals eif there are non zero values.