Class MultiArrayNodeData

    • Constructor Detail

      • MultiArrayNodeData

        public MultiArrayNodeData​(DataSet origin)
        Basic constructor providing a source DataSet
        origin - the Origin of this data.
    • Method Detail

      • getData

        public MultiArrayDataValue getData​(String SheetName)
        Get the Data stored for a specific Sheetname, returns null if this sheetname does have no associated data.
        SheetName - the requested sheetname
        A MultiArrayDataValue for the requested SheetName
      • printSheetsContained

        public void printSheetsContained()
      • isempty

        public boolean isempty()
        Description copied from class: NodeData
        Check whether this Data is empty (i.e. has only null values)
        Specified by:
        isempty in class NodeData
        true, if it is empty, or fals eif there are non zero values.