Class IDAREImageNodeAppService

  • public class IDAREImageNodeAppService
    extends Object
    The IDAREImageNodeAppService is the interaction point for plugins that want to provide additional features for the IDARE image generation tool. It is registered with the cytoscape framework as an IDAREImageNodeAppService.class service. The two functionalities are to register and deregister apps. The apps will then be requested to provide their respective information by the IDAREImageNodeApp.
    Thomas Pfau
    • Constructor Detail

      • IDAREImageNodeAppService

        public IDAREImageNodeAppService​(idare.imagenode.internal.IDAREImageNodeApp app)
        Default constructor obtaining an IDAREImageNodeApp. this should never be called by an external program. Instead the registered service should be requested from the Cytoscape framework.
        app - The IDAREImageNodeApp this Service belongs to.
    • Method Detail

      • registerPlugin

        public void registerPlugin​(IDAREPlugin plugin)
        Register a plugin to the IDARE App;
        plugin - The plugin to register
      • deRegisterPlugin

        public void deRegisterPlugin​(IDAREPlugin plugin)
        Deregister a plugin from the IDARE App;
        plugin - The plugin to deregister