Interface IDARECell

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IDARECell
    A general class of cells in a Workbook used for IDARE.
    Thomas Pfau
    • Method Detail

      • getCellType

        IDARECell.CellType getCellType()
        Get the Cell Type of
        the Type of the Cell (defined by the static definitions in IDARECell
      • getColumnIndex

        int getColumnIndex()
        Get the index of the column of this cell.
        the column index
      • getNumericCellValue

        double getNumericCellValue()
        Get the Numeric Value of this cell, if it can be converted to numeric. Can throw exceptions if the contained value is either not a parsable double or the Cell Type is String.
        the numeric value of this cell
      • getStringCellValue

        String getStringCellValue()
        Get the string cell value, if the cell is a string cell. Can throw exceptions if the cell type is numeric.
        the string cell value.
      • getFormattedCellValue

        String getFormattedCellValue()
        Get a string representation of the value of this cell (regardless what this cell actually represents).
        a String representing the value of this cell.