Class ColorMap

    • Method Detail

      • getDisplayStrings

        public static HashMap<Double,​String> getDisplayStrings​(Double[] values)
        Provides appropriate (not too long) representations of the values provided. The input values have to be ordered from smallest to largest and it is assumed, that values[0] is the minimum and values[last] is the largest value.
        values - The double values for which to generate Display strings.
        A map matching Strings to the provided Double values.
      • getDefaultColor

        public Color getDefaultColor()
      • setColorScale

        public abstract void setColorScale​(ColorScale scale)
        Set a specific ColorScale to be used by this ColorMap. The Colormap will be reset to use the provided ColorScale.
        scale - the ColorScale to be used.
      • getColorMapComponent

        public abstract JComponent getColorMapComponent​(JScrollPane Legend)
        Get a Component that represents this ColorMap
        Legend - The legend this component is part of (to obtain resize events).
        A JComponent that plots information about this ColorMap