Class AbstractArrayContainer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class AbstractArrayContainer
    extends Object
    implements DataContainer
    A Basis class for container using ArrayNodeData. providing some functionality common to any item based data.
    Thomas Pfau
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractArrayContainer

        public AbstractArrayContainer​(DataSet origin,
                                      NodeData data)
        Basic constructor with a source DataSet and the data used in this container.
        origin - the Dataset represented by this DataContainer
        data - the data to be used in this DataContainer
    • Method Detail

      • getMinimalSize

        public Rectangle getMinimalSize()
        Description copied from interface: DataContainer
        A container should provide information on its size This dimension is assumed to simultaneously represent the number of items (i.e. Dimension.x * Dimension.y = Number of items The maximal dimension allowed for a non flexible container is 10*10 in the center and 10*6 in the edges For a flexible container it is assumed, that the container can be rescaled and thus a maximal item count of 100 is allowed for center and 60 for edge containers
        Specified by:
        getMinimalSize in interface DataContainer
        the minimal Size of this container (in units)
      • getDataSet

        public DataSet getDataSet()
        Description copied from interface: DataContainer
        Get the source Dataset this Container was build from.
        Specified by:
        getDataSet in interface DataContainer
        the source dataset of this container
      • getPreferredSize

        public Dimension getPreferredSize​(Dimension availablearea,
                                          IMAGENODEPROPERTIES.LayoutStyle style)
        The common Item container will use a flexible adjustment of its height/width to best fill the availablearea.
        Specified by:
        getPreferredSize in interface DataContainer
        availablearea - The area available to generate the layout
        style - the localisation (either CENTER or EDGE).
        the preferred size within the provided rectangle