Class AbstractArrayContainerLayout.LegendShapePosition

    • Constructor Detail

      • LegendShapePosition

        public LegendShapePosition​(Shape shape,
                                   Rectangle2D position,
                                   String ItemID,
                                   Point2D FontPosition,
                                   Font labelfont)
        Create a AbstractArrayContainerLayout.LegendShapePosition. In additon to the shape and Position information for the ShapePosition, we need the label, the position of the label and the labelfont. THe labelposition is necessary to avoid recalculations during every plot.
        shape - The shape to use
        position - the position at which the shape will be plotted
        ItemID - the LAbel used
        FontPosition - the postition the label will be plotted at
        labelfont - The font used for the label.
    • Method Detail

      • draw

        public void draw​(org.apache.batik.svggen.SVGGraphics2D context,
                         Color fillcolor)
        Draw the shape at the specified position and then adding the label above it.
        draw in class AbstractArrayContainerLayout.ShapePosition
        context - the context to draw in
        fillcolor - the Color to use to fill the shape.