Class AbstractArrayContainerLayout

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractArrayContainerLayout

        public AbstractArrayContainerLayout()
        Basic constructor
    • Method Detail

      • getShape

        public abstract Shape getShape​(Dimension Area)
        Get the Shape to be used for individual items in the specified area.
        Area - The size of the shape to be returned.
        A Shape with appropriate dimension
      • LayoutDataForNode

        public void LayoutDataForNode​(NodeData data,
                                      org.apache.batik.svggen.SVGGraphics2D context,
                                      boolean Legend,
                                      ColorMap colors)
        Description copied from class: ContainerLayout
        Layout the Data according to the previously generated layout
        Specified by:
        LayoutDataForNode in class ContainerLayout
        data - the data to layout
        context - the graphics context in which to draw the layout
        Legend - whether this is a layout for the legend or not.
        colors - The ColorMap to use for the layout
      • updateLabel

        public void updateLabel​(String DatasetLabel)
        Description copied from class: ContainerLayout
        Update the Label used in this Layout.
        Specified by:
        updateLabel in class ContainerLayout
        DatasetLabel - The new label to be used for the DataSet