Class ArrayDataDescription

    • Field Detail

      • separators

        protected Insets separators
      • maxitemwidth

        protected int maxitemwidth
      • ComponentLayout

        protected GridLayout ComponentLayout

        protected static int MINIMAL_FONT_SIZE
      • HGAP

        protected static int HGAP
      • VGAP

        protected static int VGAP
    • Constructor Detail

      • ArrayDataDescription

        public ArrayDataDescription()
    • Method Detail

      • getRowsAndCols

        public Dimension getRowsAndCols​(int width)
        Get the rows and columns for this panel based on the available width.
        width - The width to plot in.
        The dimension representing the rows and Cols for the given width.
      • redraw

        public void redraw()
        Redraw this panel.
      • setupItemDescription

        public void setupItemDescription​(NodeData currentdata,
                                         String DataSetLabel,
                                         JScrollPane Legend)
        Set up the Itemdescription for a specific set of data and a given DatasetLabel. Adjust the size accoring to changes in the Legend provided.
        currentdata - The NodeData to create the description from
        DataSetLabel - The label of the dataset, to provide for clarification which set this description is referring to
        Legend - The JScrollPane that encloses the legend this description is part of (for resizing events).