Class MultiArrayContainer

    • Field Detail

      • origin

        protected DataSet origin
        The DataSet this container is associated with
      • minwidth

        protected static int minwidth
        The minimal width (out of 10) of the container
      • minheight

        protected static int minheight
        The minimal height (out of 10) of the container.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MultiArrayContainer

        public MultiArrayContainer​(DataSet origin,
                                   NodeData data)
        Standard Constructor using the Source Dataset and a NodeData
        origin - The Origin of this Container
        data - the data for which to create a container.
    • Method Detail

      • getMinimalSize

        public Rectangle getMinimalSize()
        Description copied from interface: DataContainer
        A container should provide information on its size This dimension is assumed to simultaneously represent the number of items (i.e. Dimension.x * Dimension.y = Number of items The maximal dimension allowed for a non flexible container is 10*10 in the center and 10*6 in the edges For a flexible container it is assumed, that the container can be rescaled and thus a maximal item count of 100 is allowed for center and 60 for edge containers
        Specified by:
        getMinimalSize in interface DataContainer
        the minimal Size of this container (in units)
      • getDataSet

        public DataSet getDataSet()
        Description copied from interface: DataContainer
        Get the source Dataset this Container was build from.
        Specified by:
        getDataSet in interface DataContainer
        the source dataset of this container
      • getPreferredSize

        public Dimension getPreferredSize​(Dimension availablearea,
                                          IMAGENODEPROPERTIES.LayoutStyle style)
        Description copied from interface: DataContainer
        Get the preferred size (as a rectangle with Integer width and height, based on the available area provided The resulting Rectangle width must be smaller or equal to the provided Rectangle. The same applies to its height.
        Specified by:
        getPreferredSize in interface DataContainer
        availablearea - The area available to generate the layout
        style - the localisation (either CENTER or EDGE).
        the preferred size within the provided rectangle