Class MultiArrayDescription

    • Constructor Detail

      • MultiArrayDescription

        public MultiArrayDescription​(JScrollPane Parent)
        Create a new LineDataDescription, which is contained in a JScrollPane. The ViewPort of the JScrollPane has to show the visible part of this Itemdescription.
        Parent - The ScrollPane to create the Description in.
    • Method Detail

      • setupItemDescription

        public void setupItemDescription​(DataSet currentdata,
                                         ColorMap map)
        Set up the data description using a specific ColorMap to obtain the line colors and the respective DataSet to obtain the Line names.
        currentdata - The DataSet for which to set up an item description.
        map - The ColorMap to use.
      • getDescriptionPane

        public abstract MultiArrayEntryDescriptionPane getDescriptionPane​(Color color,
                                                                          String EntryName)
        Get a Description Pane for the current Entry Description, with the given color and given ID
        color - the Color for the description
        EntryName - The name of the entry.
        The MultiArrayEntryDescriptionPane that can be used to visualise the entry with the given name and the given color.
      • setVisibleWidth

        public void setVisibleWidth​(int width)
        Description copied from interface: SizeAdaptableComponent
        Adapt the width of the component to the provided visible width. This does not necessarily indicate, that the component should have that preferred width, but it should be informed, that the visible area has changed and adapt its layout accordingly.
        Specified by:
        setVisibleWidth in interface SizeAdaptableComponent
        width - the width to use