Interface IDARERow

    • Field Detail


        static final int CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK
        A Few Values to see how to handle missing or empty cells.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • cellIterator

        Iterator<IDARECell> cellIterator()
        Obtain an Iterator over the IDARECells of this row.
        the iterator starting with the first cell.
      • getCell

        IDARECell getCell​(int arg0)
        Get the IDARECell in the specified column from this Row. This is the same as a call to getCell(arg0,IDARERow.RETURN_NULL_AND_BLANK)
        arg0 - the column requested
        the IDARECell at the specified position, or null, if it does not exist
      • getCell

        IDARECell getCell​(int arg0,
                          int arg1)
        Get the IDARECell in the specified column from this Row, using the specified policy to handle non existing or blank cells.
        arg0 - the column requested
        arg1 - The row requested
        the IDARECell at the specified position (blank or nulls will be handled according to the provided policy.
      • getLastCellNum

        short getLastCellNum()
        Gets the index of the last cell contained in this row PLUS ONE.!
        the last index of a non null cell in this row
      • getRowNum

        int getRowNum()
        Get the position of this row in the enclosing IDARESheet;
        the position of this row in the enclosing IDARESheet