Class DataSetLayoutProperties

    • Constructor Detail

      • DataSetLayoutProperties

        public DataSetLayoutProperties()
    • Method Detail

      • getItemFlexibility

        public abstract boolean getItemFlexibility()
        Get information whether this dataset can be layouted flexibly or whether it has to obay the precisoe dimensions provided.
        whether this container has a flexible layout.
      • getTypeName

        public abstract String getTypeName()
        Get the type of DataSet (this can be used for display purposes
        the type name of these properties
      • testValidity

        public abstract void testValidity​(DataSet set)
                                   throws WrongFormat
        Test, whether the provided DataSet is valid to be used with these properties.
        set - the DataSet to test
        WrongFormat - if the supplied set cannot be used.
      • getDataSetDescriptionPane

        public abstract JPanel getDataSetDescriptionPane​(JScrollPane Legend,
                                                         String DataSetLabel,
                                                         ColorMap map,
                                                         DataSet set)
        Plot the Legend for this Dataset.
        Legend - The Legend the returned Panel will be added to (to listen to resize events.
        DataSetLabel - the Label of the DataSet these properties are used for
        map - the colormap used for the corresponding dataset
        set - the dataset for which to generate a DescriptionPane
        a JPanel that contains descriptive information about the provided dataset and its visualisation.
      • getWorkingClassTypes

        public abstract Collection<Class<? extends DataSet>> getWorkingClassTypes()
        Get the DataSet class Types these Properties are supposed to work with.
        All Classes these properties can be used for.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object o)
        Two Datasetproperties are equal, if they have the same Type name.
        equals in class Object
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Override the ToString Method
        toString in class Object